Saturday, 20 June 2009


18 days since i posted, 11 days since my birthday and been across three different cities in the Arab world... planning a European destination holiday in august.. 2 of my closest friends in Egypt or moving out of Egypt.. new friends are being made... "seeing" a 19 year old, okay technically he will be 5 days... body fat percentage down by 2.5% and weight down by 3.5 kilos ... almost at my target of 12-13 percent body fat percentage ... got a new Mont Blanc ring, bag, wallet for my birthday .... a couple of new Jeans and T-Shirts... a couple of interesting parties ... frenimies made truce...made a new interesting friend, who asked me to add him to facebook... lounged a day on the pool in one of my favourite spots in cairo... i guess what i am saying this was hell of a busy 18 days ..

so what do i blog about what should this new post entry be about should it be about friends leaving should it be one a birthday party that was hmm interesting and amazing in its own right.. do i talk about how different two arab cities can be so much of each other and how it just reaffirms my non belief in NON PAN ARABISM .. or do i talk about plans to Europe Part 6 ... or do i talk about my interesting ring with an interesting inscription or is it the 19 year old boy ?
usually you would want me to talk about the boys because suprisingly SEX... SELLS ... so no i wont do that.. i wont put myself in that strata of the common

Today i would do something mmm a bit interesting i would be giving you an insight into me. who am i. and by who am i ... i dont mean my name... i mean WHO and WHAT makes me.. ME.

  1. Q = simple succesful guy
  2. Q = a hot guy
  3. Q = a party boy
  4. Q = a workholic
  5. Q = fashion loving whore (i mean simple and not to flambouyant things)
  6. Q = a complex guy (contridicting to point 1)
  7. Q = Gemini ( i thought you would have figured that out from 1 & 6)
  8. Q = MUSIC LOVER (house music mostly)
  9. Q = Travel Addict
  10. Q = A Cunt/Bastard
  11. Q = Exhibisitionist
  12. Q = Out of the closet (i think i forgot to paint the rainbow on my forehead because some people just dont realize it yet)
  13. Q = A Social Guy, one can never enough friends or acquitenances, people are one of the most important assests in the world
  14. Q = is in search of a spiritual balance and is finding it at the moment in ISLAM (dont be shocked)
  15. Q = Big Nerd when it comes to the IT industry
  16. Q = has a good knoweldge of different plan types and their seating patterns (A321, 320, 319, 330, 380, Boeing 747, 737, 787) yet he is not a cabin crew or never has been a cabin crew or dated a cabin crew
  17. Q = a guy who has lived in 6 different cities, so he has the experiance of picking himself up and making new friends where ever he goes
  18. Q = a politcally aware guy
the list goes on and on and on and on i mean come on i am perfect guy seriously i am i am not joking but i am the perfect catch but i am SINGLE... hmmmm something not right here!!!

is it something wrong with me.. is the Mirror i see myself in, is lying to me by telling me i am the most handsom, sexy, intelligent, worldly guy in Egypt... or are all the other guys fuckers... hmmm ? am i too picky

Lets be fair i have had my share of dates for a while, where i go on a coffee date or a drink date with a guy.. and however i dont usually end up clicking, always i can find something wrong with them
  1. K = compulsive liar, image oriented guy, who thinks just becuase he can go to a certain egyptian club that makes him COOL
  2. C = has a boyfriend in the states and dont live here
  3. VC = was 19 year old but had the brains of a 26 year old and has also done an internship before starting his uni, actually he was a good guy but i guess i wasnt ble to grab his attention so yes this was my fault(will explain later what i did wrong)
  4. M = the 19 year old i am seeing now but he is just 19 thats says it all but somehow he attracts me
  5. K-1 = a very interesting guy but again my fault, couldnt get him interested
  6. GV = a very interesting guy, but sort of dating a guy but even before he dated that guy i wasnt able to get him more interested in more than friends, not that i actually tried
  7. B = hmmm again my fault
  8. Guy from the Gym = damn i until now cant even master the courage to talk to him
i think the usual problem with me is that i come off as too strong, way to self confident and also i think the fact that i am out to some of my friends and some certain members of my family sort of threatens a person ... but its mostly i come off as too strong... for example with VC & k-1 & GV i did come off as too much too handle... that i am high maintenance that i am basically a handfull of a guy who had experianced a lot... when in reality ... ok i guess in away or another there might be some truth to that ... but maybe i can tone it down a bit,

Actually ever since my move back to Egypt ten months ago, i did learn how to tone it down a bit, but not alot i dont want to loose who i am .. and what makes me ... ME... its my sass!! my witt!! my attitude!!

oh well what to do ....

Personally i didnt believe i am made for Egypt, i didnt believe egypt can handle me... when i say that people might directly think to the worst.. that i am some sort of queeny flambouyant boy.. no i mean Egypt is not ready for my thought.. my brain.. my dreams .. my hopes ... my plans... but some how i have grown acoustmed to get use to live with Egypt and make the best of it while still keeping my idealogy and thoughts intact ... what thoughts are we talking about.. hmm thats another post(s) in itself... its called Q Theory (not to be confused with Queer Theory)

i keep asking myself am i going to be living here with another four years ? (thats when i become 30) am i going to do normal thing and runaway like others in search of a life where and i qoute a guy who i was with last night "where people wont point at you and look at you" becuase you are different a place where i dont have to act extra butch just to try to conceal the hint that i might be a HOMO ... or would i be in Egypt, would i find a guy who i would settle with and live a private life with him and stay in Egypt till hmm i get grey hair (never going to have salty hair!!)

basically today post is about nothing and everything .. its just me "rambling" to myself hence why i really couldnt think of a suitable title

Welcome to my world ,

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Q Interview #1: Ice Queer exposed

in a spur of the moment unplanned msn conversation between myself and ice queer, we decided to log our msn chat and make it an interview style and well publish it... .. so here it is ICE Queer exposed... i wish i had some naked pictures to just add with this line....

Q says: (1:53:42 PM)
ice queer, whats up love
Q says: (1:54:08 PM)
how is everything with you been lately
Ice Queer says: (1:54:32 PM)
good not bad, having a headache from that Islamist teacher at the hospital today
Q says: (1:54:56 PM)
so i have heard he takes 15 minutes before start of class and after class preaching you...
Q says: (1:55:00 PM)
so i have question for you
Q says: (1:55:12 PM)
how long have you had gay friends or have been involved in this gay scene
Ice Queer says: (1:55:28 PM)
6 years i guess
Q says: (1:55:57 PM)
so ever since you have been 13 ?
Ice Queer says: (1:56:15 PM)
Q says: (1:56:51 PM)
oh yea i keep forgetting you are not 19 anymore
Ice Queer says: (1:57:18 PM)
lol I'm 100! :P
Q says: (1:57:20 PM)
so what 6 years in the scene.. what do you notice the general trend or the general thing about the scene about the people
Ice Queer says: (1:57:56 PM)
people/player changes but the game is always the same
Q says: (1:58:18 PM)
in what since ya3ni ?
Ice Queer says: (1:59:12 PM)
The Queens, the Muscle Marries, the party animals...etc those labels always remain but the persons change!
Ice Queer says: (1:59:35 PM)
that's about the people
Q says: (1:59:49 PM)
what about friends.. ?
Ice Queer says: (1:59:53 PM)
about the scene, well I don't believe that Egypt has a GAY scene
Ice Queer says: (2:00:17 PM)
about friends, It's not that hard to make really good friends but you just need time and patience
Q says: (2:00:48 PM)
when i use to be younger and your age (not that i am old i am only 26)
Q says: (2:01:02 PM)
i use to notice something every 3 months or so
Q says: (2:01:19 PM)
the group of friends i have had changed... within the same players its like we were playing musical chairs
Ice Queer says: (2:02:46 PM)
Well, I believe it differs from a person to another
Ice Queer says: (2:02:58 PM)
also you should consider external factors
Ice Queer says: (2:03:05 PM)
like timing, maturity..etc
Q says: (2:03:44 PM)
okay so here as an interesting question or at least i would like to believe so
Q says: (2:03:52 PM)
on Queen E awkward sex and city blog
Q says: (2:04:06 PM)
how do you feel about the change of your name from kiki jr to snitch jr.
Ice Queer says: (2:04:45 PM)
It's funny for me
Ice Queer says: (2:04:53 PM)
cuz I don't take online world that serious
Ice Queer says: (2:04:58 PM)
it's just a virtual world for me
Q says: (2:05:42 PM)
but wasnt the change of the name an effect from some incident that happened in our real world
Ice Queer says: (2:09:09 PM)
yeah but as E said it himself "What I write can never be taken or read realistically or literally."
Ice Queer says: (2:09:35 PM)
so I've never taken what I read online seriously and never will!
Q says: (2:10:08 PM)
which leads me to the question do you think a blog is public or a private space
Ice Queer says: (2:10:47 PM)
a personal space where you are totally free to do whatever u want
Q says: (2:11:25 PM)
but doesn't that contradict the whole idea the blog is on the internet and everyone can read it
Ice Queer says: (2:12:50 PM)
it doesn't follow the rules of "public"
Ice Queer says: (2:13:01 PM)
i.e it doesn't have to follow the norms
Ice Queer says: (2:13:22 PM)
and If anyone doesn't like what he/she reads, then he should leave!
Q says: (2:13:46 PM)
let me ask you a question would you write a secret like a very important one on your blog
Ice Queer says: (2:15:01 PM)
Well if my friends donno about my blog, then yeah y not!
Ice Queer says: (2:15:24 PM)
and even if my friends know about my blog, i'd still post a secret but according to how black it is!
Q says: (2:15:45 PM)
you once told me you shared an article or two with your shrink
Q says: (2:16:00 PM)
if your shrink goes on google and writes the text thats in the article and hits search
Q says: (2:16:07 PM)
he will be able to find your blog easily
Q says: (2:16:21 PM)
also knowing how trustworthy your shrink
Ice Queer says: (2:16:31 PM)
yeah he is my shrink, I don't care about how he would react
Q says: (2:16:32 PM)
my ex shrink* what if
Q says: (2:16:41 PM)
he goes and shows it to your parents
Ice Queer says: (2:16:44 PM)
i can't believe u r comparing friends to a shrink! :P
Q says: (2:17:17 PM)
i am not comparing shrink to friends.. i am using a shrink as a plausible way your parents might find out about your blog
Ice Queer says: (2:17:18 PM)
well in this case, I'll find a solution
Ice Queer says: (2:18:39 PM)
Anyway my point is, If u've a blog and u want to diss people and talk about them then you should keep ur identity top secret, even from your friends!
Q says: (2:19:26 PM)
true in a way but if you are identity is compromised... like our friends know pretty well who is IQ,Q,E...
Q says: (2:20:24 PM)
so is our blog in particular
Q says: (2:20:51 PM)
a personal space or a private space... in comparison with lets say XY a20somethingrambling blog
Ice Queer says: (2:21:23 PM)
my blog is more personal than public
Ice Queer says: (2:21:49 PM)
most of guys I wrote about donno my blog and don't even know that I blog/write
Q says: (2:22:11 PM)
but some do and you know love how gossip flies...
Q says: (2:22:18 PM)
didnt K find about your blog?
Ice Queer says: (2:22:29 PM)
because I told him!
Q says: (2:23:06 PM)
oh ... what guts!
Ice Queer says: (2:23:36 PM)
hmm not really
Q says: (2:24:03 PM)
well when you re-write about him
Q says: (2:24:09 PM)
are you going to tread carefully now
Q says: (2:24:51 PM)
or are you going to be as open
Ice Queer says: (2:25:52 PM)
as open
Q says: (2:27:12 PM)
fair enough ... IQ what do you think would make this interview more interesting ... i mena by adding a topic to it.. like you ask or suggest something :P
Ice Queer says: (2:28:56 PM)
lol I know that the comments will be that am a celeb. wannabe..etc
Ice Queer says: (2:29:00 PM)
but what the heck!
Q says: (2:29:36 PM)
or more likely known as social climbing whore
Ice Queer says: (2:31:07 PM)
Q says: (2:31:21 PM)
how does that make you feel
Ice Queer says: (2:31:58 PM)
Ice Queer says: (2:32:13 PM)
it's silly thu cuz it's far away from the truth
Q says: (2:32:34 PM)
how often does IQ have sex per month
Ice Queer says: (2:33:02 PM)
I don't have a certain pattern
Ice Queer says: (2:33:12 PM)
it depends on guys I would like to sleep with
Ice Queer says: (2:33:16 PM)
on my mood
Ice Queer says: (2:33:18 PM)
Q says: (2:33:25 PM)
how many guys have you slept with in the month of may
Ice Queer says: (2:33:48 PM)
I don't keep track
Ice Queer says: (2:33:55 PM)
It was never a "number" for me
Q says: (2:34:12 PM)
hmm lets see the gulfie then two over last weekend... maybe one or two other so is 5 a safe number :P
Ice Queer says: (2:34:45 PM)
Would I need my lawyer in this interview?
Ice Queer says: (2:34:47 PM)
Q says: (2:34:59 PM)
no not really
Q says: (2:35:01 PM)
Q says: (2:35:10 PM)
so we say 5 but at the moment you have a crush on this guy
Q says: (2:35:13 PM)
called K
Ice Queer says: (2:35:34 PM)
yeah but am recovering rapidly
Q says: (2:36:08 PM)
ohhhhh any new crush on the horizon
Ice Queer says: (2:36:36 PM)
fortunately not!
Q says: (2:36:59 PM)
tab i have a question do you sometimes feel like you are stuck .. in a routine
Q says: (2:37:11 PM)
for me its work... gym... during weekdays with the ocassional
Q says: (2:37:14 PM)
movie time
Q says: (2:37:29 PM)
while on weekends a party or two... do you not feel like we are stuck
Ice Queer says: (2:37:29 PM)
Ice Queer says: (2:37:49 PM)
yeah but it's every where!
Q says: (2:37:55 PM)
well you being a student you know that one last forever though .. sa7 ?
Ice Queer says: (2:38:21 PM)
And actually I guess we r less routinic than Europeans and more developed countries
Ice Queer says: (2:38:42 PM)
it will last but the studying/college will change to working/job
Q says: (2:38:46 PM)
elaborate in alot details boy
Ice Queer says: (2:39:31 PM)
We Egyptians r very laid back
Ice Queer says: (2:39:55 PM)
Europeans/west are more working machines
Ice Queer says: (2:40:12 PM)
so their life is more routinic than us
Ice Queer says: (2:40:17 PM)
working in week days
Ice Queer says: (2:40:22 PM)
partying in weekends
Ice Queer says: (2:40:39 PM)
but in Egypt u can go out with ur friends after work finishes
Ice Queer says: (2:40:47 PM)
bottom line; the city doesn't sleep!
Q says: (2:40:48 PM)
but you do that in europe too
Ice Queer says: (2:41:21 PM)
yeah but most of cities of Europe sleep at 10!
Q says: (2:41:39 PM)
Q says: (2:42:00 PM)
the stores closes at 5 or 7 too!!
Ice Queer says: (2:42:13 PM)
Q says: (2:42:41 PM)
hold on a second work call
Ice Queer says: (2:42:51 PM)

Q says: (2:52:33 PM)
sorry for keeping you waiting
Q says: (2:52:40 PM)
work guys are pathetically stupid
Ice Queer says: (2:52:59 PM)
Ice Queer says: (2:53:01 PM)
its okay
Q says: (2:53:47 PM)
so yea so you feel like is in a runt
Q says: (2:53:58 PM)
what is that you wish to accomplish lets say 3 years from now
Q says: (2:54:46 PM)
or more where do you see yourself
Ice Queer says: (2:55:00 PM)
Hopefully, doing my master degree abroad
Q says: (2:55:22 PM)
okay so is it for work
Ice Queer says: (2:55:37 PM)
that was the deal with my parents, saving money for masters abroad instead of wasting it on lousy private medical college in Egypt
Q says: (2:55:45 PM)
and career reasons
Q says: (2:55:49 PM)
or you just want to get out of egypt
Q says: (2:57:00 PM)
like what i guess i am trying to ask is that does Egypt make you stressed out and make you feel like you are in runt and
Q says: (2:57:34 PM)
like you dont see your future here
Ice Queer says: (2:57:43 PM)
The thing about Egypt that I love it and hate it in same time
Ice Queer says: (2:57:52 PM)
yeah I don't see my near future here
Ice Queer says: (2:57:56 PM)
maybe far future
Q says: (2:58:52 PM)
i guess i have the same issue its like i love it so much but do i see myself dating a guy and living a normal life here and living with him i dont know
Q says: (2:59:01 PM)
we have friends who did so as you know and they are very happy about it
Q says: (2:59:26 PM)
but also in the same time i also come from the aspect if i did that would my life revolve around the scene as you know its very draining
Q says: (2:59:32 PM)
i guess its just tryign to figure out the future
Q says: (3:00:13 PM)
so iQ who inspired you to start your blog ?
Q says: (3:00:22 PM)
for me it was and god created men blog.
Ice Queer says: (3:00:54 PM)
it's a funny story
Ice Queer says: (3:01:04 PM)
The lights were out and I was bored
Q says: (3:01:11 PM)
please say it was my old blog the gay chronicles :P
Ice Queer says: (3:01:26 PM)
so I was playing solitaire using the pen of my previous laptop
Ice Queer says: (3:01:36 PM)
and I've never tried to write using that pen
Ice Queer says: (3:01:40 PM)
so I thought to write something
Ice Queer says: (3:01:48 PM)
and ta daa I wrote my first post!
Q says: (3:01:59 PM)
Q says: (3:02:33 PM)
your first post was in july 2008 it must have been a boring summer i guess
Q says: (3:02:41 PM)
almost a year from now
Ice Queer says: (3:02:57 PM)
yeah I can't believe my blog lasted all that long!
Q says: (3:03:07 PM)
it was called Get a Life People
Ice Queer says: (3:03:17 PM)
I never thought I could even write! I knew I was good at composition in school
Ice Queer says: (3:03:26 PM)
but not to that extent
Ice Queer says: (3:03:28 PM)
yeah that was it
Q says: (3:03:57 PM)
it started with
Q says: (3:04:00 PM)
"I don't know if I was wrong but I hope one day someone will understand what I think or what I believe or what I do, It is just it is too depressing that am surrounded with too many judgmental, hypocritical and schizophrenic mentalities in my/our society in Egypt.
Q says: (3:04:38 PM)
how have you changed since that first sentence you wrote... is your belief still the same did you not find someone who understands
Ice Queer says: (3:05:19 PM)
No, it's the same feeling
Ice Queer says: (3:05:28 PM)
(not talking about my friends, sure my friends understand me)
Q says: (3:08:56 PM)
i actually feel somewhat same but different
Q says: (3:09:29 PM)
its like i have the issue of taht i have people who understand what i feel but just because we understand eachother it doesnt make us automatically best friends...
Q says: (3:09:49 PM)
ya3ni i have over the past year or so built some what good friends here... previously i wasnt
Q says: (3:10:16 PM)
because sort of the first time since i moved back i sort of found people who also come from the same background and way of thinking of me... and they sort of went through the same experiances
Q says: (3:10:52 PM)
i might be judged to be a classist sometimes by people.. but hell sometimes i am... its just a fact of egypt... different classes do go through different experiences
Q says: (3:11:21 PM)
as they have different background and different education ... and it does affect them differently and the way their parents take it is different too...
Q says: (3:11:27 PM)
do you know what i mean
Ice Queer says: (3:13:39 PM)
Ice Queer says: (3:13:51 PM)
but classes r so cliché
Q says: (3:14:31 PM)
do you not believe we are classist society
Ice Queer says: (3:16:15 PM)
"classes" in Egypt got so deformed after the revolution
Ice Queer says: (3:16:36 PM)
in Nasser's era
Q says: (3:18:00 PM)
okay well i believe i mean okay
Ice Queer says: (3:18:10 PM)
it's more about either bourgeoisie or nouveau riche or low class
Ice Queer says: (3:18:12 PM)
Q says: (3:18:34 PM)
what you forgot the higher upper class who have been the upper class from long time ago
Ice Queer says: (3:18:59 PM)
they r dieing out!
Q says: (3:19:05 PM)
Q says: (3:19:35 PM)
okay but dont you believe the upper/higher/ bourgeoisie etc go through different experience than the middle class and lower
Q says: (3:19:48 PM)
ya3ni the guys with the money travel, they are more educated
Q says: (3:20:24 PM)
they go out to clubs where you have minimum charge to be 100 or 250 pounds
Ice Queer says: (3:20:47 PM)
and u think that all what u've mentioned makes u classy?
Q says: (3:22:05 PM)
well no i mean i have met people in those clubs who
Q says: (3:22:15 PM)
way trashie in attitude and god knows what else
Q says: (3:22:46 PM)
but the usually the guys who are of the higher or upper middle class that have access to these sort of things
Q says: (3:23:11 PM)
doesnt mean that all that go there are generally classy in attitude you have seen that girl friend of one of our friends who disappeared
Ice Queer says: (3:23:12 PM)
and so do nouveau riche people!
Q says: (3:23:28 PM)
i dont consider her classy at all yet she goes out and parades her boobs all over the place
Ice Queer says: (3:24:16 PM)
exactly my point
Ice Queer says: (3:24:30 PM)
not by money, not by education...etc
Q says: (3:24:40 PM)
but still my point is those people with the money regardless of it being new money or old money
Ice Queer says: (3:24:45 PM)
u could be classy in attitude thu u r middle class or low class
Q says: (3:25:01 PM)
well yes you are true and very right
Q says: (3:25:07 PM)
but my point is not classy in attitude
Q says: (3:25:19 PM)
while not understating the importance of being classy in attitude
Q says: (3:25:59 PM)
my point is those people with the money regardless of it being new money or old money would have access to an experiance similar to what we have hence you have some common ground ... let me rephrase
Q says: (3:26:03 PM)
you are high school
Q says: (3:26:26 PM)
you make friends... its a given that you guys will have the same experiences being in the same high school and you will do all the same things
Q says: (3:26:37 PM)
you grow up together graduate go to uni some of you go even to the same uni
Ice Queer says: (3:27:07 PM)
yeah but still, everyone will perceive those experiences in different ways
Ice Queer says: (3:27:16 PM)
some wouldn't enjoy it or appreciate it
Ice Queer says: (3:27:19 PM)
some would go to extreme
Ice Queer says: (3:27:21 PM)
Q says: (3:27:43 PM)
you are not getting my point though
Q says: (3:28:02 PM)
what i am trying to say having something in common as an experience.. brings you closer together
Ice Queer says: (3:28:06 PM)
yeah I know what u mean by background
Ice Queer says: (3:28:14 PM)
but is that background is really you?
Q says: (3:28:32 PM)
so for me my experience with growing up was major clubbing in clubs around egypt ...
Q says: (3:30:11 PM)
hold on work call
Q says: (3:30:13 PM)
Ice Queer says: (3:30:30 PM)

Q says: (3:37:18 PM)
Q says: (3:37:25 PM)
so it wasnt just about clubbing in egypt
Q says: (3:37:40 PM)
it was about clubbing and the memories of us getting drunk
Q says: (3:37:45 PM)
you know what i think it is...
Q says: (3:37:59 PM)
i think i just had too much fun while at uni and i might be trying to recreate those memories
Q says: (3:39:24 PM)
IQ i have to end this interview now and we have to re-continue later do you have any comments or anything you would like to add before ending this
Ice Queer says: (3:42:57 PM)
sorry was talking to that hotty
Q says: (3:44:39 PM)
oh well just a reminder this still recorded... yalla lets end this so that i can get back work and what not of my life
Ice Queer says: (3:46:12 PM)
Ice Queer says: (3:46:21 PM)
Well I enjoyed this interview
Ice Queer says: (3:46:30 PM)
I didn't think u'd come with interesting questions :P
Q says: (3:46:48 PM)
how dare you IQ
Q says: (3:47:39 PM)
tab come on give us your final words of wisdom of a 20 year old boy to your fans.... (dear IQ fans stop listening to him... i am 26 so i am more experienced and hell i am more popular)
Ice Queer says: (3:48:17 PM)
Ice Queer says: (3:48:27 PM)
make the most of now
Ice Queer says: (3:48:33 PM)
and don't think too much
Ice Queer says: (3:48:33 PM)
and oh yeah! *WORLD PEACE* lol
Q says: (3:49:43 PM)
okay and with this miss world 2009 style of ending... we shall end this interview till another one

Monday, 1 June 2009

Q Music #2: Freemasons feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor: Heartbreak (Make Me A Dancer)

In an effort to diversify my blog from gossip and thought i am adding music... and you would be able to follow music under Q Music titles where thought will be Queer Queries ... and gossip well i still havent done that and not sure i am going into that directions

now without further intro, yesterday song was Y.A.S - Get it right, and today as i was driving from back from work... with my ipod transmitter not in the car i turned on the radio with SAFI on nilefm and god it was a boring show, however just as i was turning the corner towards the garage of my house i heard this song HEART BREAK ME A DANCER and it just stuck in my head its a tune that was able to get the Y.A.S tune out of my head.. i didnt know who sang the song until it ended but the accent the way glorious Sophie says Answer and Dancer that thick Australian accent i was sure it must have been Sophie with her unique voice... actaully i think i memorized Sophie voice from my 13 year old sister over on summer in Australia where she would always play "Murder on a dancefloor"

As i read some of the reviews of this song i cant just help see that alot of people are anticipating this to be the summer hit... while i believe it will be one of the summer hits.. it wont be THE summer hit... but god that voice just wants to make melt... another thing to note is that Sophie just like Madonna, Britney, Christina, Kylie, & Danni (her not so known sister to the rest of the world) is also a gay icon, and she tries to imply that with the dancers in the background wearing the same glasses as they wear in the lilly's sketches from PAM ANN, which is one of the biggest sketches in gay cultures, specially the Cabin Crew Culture...

As most of the songs of Sophie ... its a retro chic, that doesnt cater to everyone tastes buds, but its a very catching tune

and now the song!!

Love Q